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Our Objectives


To facilitate Quality Improvement in Healthcare, in India

Processes have chronic problems that result in customer/patient dissatisfaction, as well as wasteful costs. The wasteful costs are referred to as Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ).

QualTech® Prize – Healthcare is a team excellence recognition platform for continual quality improvement projects implemented by various Healthcare Organizations (HCOs).

Since 2018, Qimpro® has partnered with CAHO for the QualTech® Prize – Healthcare. This competition catalyses effective implementation of NABH Quality Management Systems.


To facilitate Quality Improvement in Education, in India

The job of a manager is to solve (chronic) problems. Fresh graduates from Management and Engineering Institutes, tend to accent proficiency in this skill in their CVs. In turn, Corporate India recruits fresh graduates in the hope that these bright students will be effective from day-1. They are almost always disappointed.

To catalyse the effectiveness of fresh graduates, Qimpro® has launched a focussed competition, QualTech® Prize – Education. This also helps in NAAC Accreditation.


To recognize Role Model Quality & Excellence Leaders

Currently in their 34th cycle, Qimpro® Awards are recognized as the country's premier quality citations. Qimpro® Foundation currently recognizes Quality Statesmen with the Qimpro Platinum Standard, and Quality Leaders with the Qimpro Gold Standard - in Business, Healthcare, Education and Environment. The search and selection process is professional…engaging past awardees and our Board of Trustees.