Dr R A Mashelkar, Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, and Director General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is a path-breaker. He has revitalized the quality of India’s scientific output to a level where it is respected across the world. Through his unique science-administration ability, the average “impact factor” for CSIR papers has doubled over the past six years. A very distinguished achievement.
Dr Mashelkar has tirelessly campaigned for innovation. Innovation involving the migration of creative ideas into commercial products for the marketplace. Only this will enable India, he believes, to withstand the challenges of liberalization and globalization. In order that the CSIR science community venture to dare, and take risks to explore creative ideas, Dr Mashelkar established a New Idea Fund to support research on a competitive basis. A first, for India.
Under Dr Mashelkar’s leadership, the CSIR has addressed the quality of operational processes, the quality of infrastructure, and the quality of inputs as well as outputs. With outstanding results. It is one of the rare R&D organizations that measures customer satisfaction.
Owing to Dr Mashelkar’s deep commitment to quality, in 1997 the CSIR funded the establishment of the Quality Council of India, to promote quality consciousness in the country. Since 2001, he has served as Chairman of the Council.
Apart from being the icon for scientific research, Dr Mashelkar is a true quality evangelist.
We salute Dr R A Mashelkar, winner of the Qimpro Medal 2003.