
Qimpro Gold Standard 2022

Kavita Anand


Founder, Adhyayan Foundation

KAVITA ANAND is Founder Director of Adhyayan Quality Education Services as well as Adhyayan Foundation, Mumbai. Over the past three decades, she has been a tireless crusader for effective learning in schools.

An educator, researcher, funder, leader, and entrepreneur, Kavita has as a bold Vision: A good school for every child, in India.

Kavita’s Mission: Working with school leaders in growing a movement for quality to ensure quality education is achievable and desirable to all schools across Boards, in all locations, and for all socio-economic groups.

Kavita’s Strategy: Adhyayan – an education movement of Indian and international educationists, dedicated to improving the quality of leadership and learning in schools.

Her Operational Plan: Helping all the stakeholders in the educational system – from Government officials, school leaders and teachers to parents and students – develop a common understanding of what good looks like and use a diagnostic framework to conduct an assessment of their school that evidence-based and use the findings to develop an action plan for its improvement through dialogue and mutual consensus.

Kavita’s work in the Aga Khan Education Service, India, and the Sir Ratan Tata Trust was the launchpad for her own play school, Kidz@Play. She was later the Executive Director of Shishuvan School for 12 years. Further, over the last decade, along with Spokey Wheeler, Kavita provided support for the UK Open University programmes ‘Teacher Education through School-Based Support’ (TESS) in India; ‘English in Action (EIA) in Bangladesh; and Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) for 266 schools of Zimbabwe. She was awarded the Ashoka Fellowship in 2015 for her single-minded focus on bringing quality to schools through leadership development.

In addition, Kavita was part of the international delivery team for the School Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) curriculum with the National University for Education, Planning and Administration (NUEPA), that trained 7000 government school leaders across five states of India.

Kavita Anand. A Benchmark Educationist catalysing a Revolution in Learning.

We congratulate Kavita Anand. Our Qimpro Gold Standard 2022 for Education.

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